
Nutrition Counseling

I work with clients one on one to create a nutrition and lifestyle plan suited to their goals, their needs, their lifestyle. My top priorities are adaptability, sustainability, and joy. I will work with you to ensure that all three work together in tandem so that you can achieve your goals and still live your life the way you want to live it.

I employ an open-minded and holistic approach to nutrition, and will never ask you to omit things you love, live by harsh rules, or allow your health and nutrition goals to take precedent over your mental and emotional wellbeing. Instead, we will work to make short-term small, consistent changes, that will culminate in lasting, sustainable, long-term transformation.

Brand Collaborations & Partnerships


I very much love to support and work with brands that I believe in. If it is a product that I personally use and support, and would recommend to my clients, I would love to work together via partnerships, blog reviews, recipe creation, or promotion via social media.

Press Writing


Writing will always be my first love. With an undergraduate degree in journalism, it’s something that has always stuck with me. I write pieces focused on science-backed nutrition, health and wellness for various press and media outlets.

R.D. to Be Mentorship


It’s no secret that the road to becoming an RD is a very long and difficult test of strength, character and perseverance. If I’m being blunt, it’s hard AF. On my journey toward becoming an RD I was lucky enough to have several mentors along the way - mentors who showed me the ropes, gave me all the insider tips, or just let me vent and cry every now and then. I would love nothing more than to pay that forward to up and coming RD2B’s.

This may look like help with resume building or DICAS applications, email communication, or monthly zoom calls. I’m happy and excited to help in any way that I can!